Sunday, June 21, 2009

the dangers of buying cheap SUNSCREEN...

I'm all about being cheap, but there are some things you just shouldn't do to save money, and one of those is to try to save money by buying the cheaper, more well-known sunscreens.

In a review of almost a thousand sunscreens, only 14% passed safety standards and were considered safe and protective enough to use by the The Evironmental Working Group

The three major leading brands, Banana Boat, Neutrogena, and Coppertone were among the worst culprits. Safety issues range from lack of UVA protection, dangerous chemicals, ingredients that breakdown IN THE SUN, and other dangers.

For a list of safe sunscreens, visit the Environmental Working Group's site, by following the link above.


  1. Wow...for a guy who generally uses whatever's lying around, that's a pretty harsh wake-up call...guess it's something else I need to start paying attention to...

  2. ....Not to mention skin cancer. My friend once bought a body lotion and didn't know it's already expired. she started to smell something dried fish. then she realized it's her skin. she rinsed it all away and threw the damn thing away. never went back to that store.

  3. Really true...can't think about buying everything cheap...Need to draw a line somewhere. Like your enthusiasm and interest in saving money :)

  4. Good thing I never see the sun... I save more money on not buying sunscreen at all...

    And never buy fruit from Food4Less...

  5. Read this shouts&murmurs from the new yorker about sunscreen immediately! i believe you will enjoy it...

  6. True, saving money does not mean that you ruin your present for a better future ,its all about maintaining a proper balance.We have some best techniques for you on money management

  7. Thanks for your informations... ^^

  8. Hmm. Never thought about that, but I appreciate the sunscreen tip.
